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The  Canadian Government and the Ontario Government have partnered to offer this GRANT. Honestly, I thought this grant was for Toronto businesses only when they rolled it out, as Toronto is one of the major sponsors and it was poorly advertised.

I saw this grant offered in the St Thomas DDB newsletter and decided to repost the information in a different format to show people or prospective clients how to drive people to your website for free traffic, as I am looking for business, as I can not apply for this grant, but I am hoping you will give me some business after you apply. Our company is listed as a Vendor within the Digital Main Street Program, Universal Online Business Supplier, a St Thomas based business.

Universal Online Business Supplier runs and operates, and other websites.  

  1. Bookmark this page so you don’t lose the link.
  2. Read all the information below and only proceed if you qualify and you need the services you can purchase.  – everyone needs digital marketing at the minimum, and most people need their websites updated if you’re an older business.
  3.  The reason for only showing three sections below is because the instruction PDF for this Grant is 6 pages long, so we are showing you the most important sections before you proceed. 
  4. The application deadline has now changed to September 30, 2023, BUT REMEMBER – the funds are on a first-come basis – APPLY NOW!

You do not have to copy any of the information below

as it is all provided on the website.

Eligible Businesses
Eligible Expenses

The deadline for applying for this grant has been extended to September 30, 2023.

Click this link: “TO GRANT WEBSITE” or fill out the form below,

you will be sent directly to the Ontario Grant Page. 

– Good Luck – I hope to hear from you!

Contact Us

If you need help with the forms or have any questions please, do not hesitate to contact us.

294 Talbot Street

St Thomas ON

N5P 4E3


226 243 7711

Fill out the form to get Access

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